
Why Graduates of Cabinetmaking School are Great at Trim Work

February 02, 2018

cabinet making courses

It can have the most appealing paint job and the most expensive wood floors, but if a house’s interior doesn’t have nice trimwork, it’s not going to look too great. It’s with crown molding, wainscoting, baseboards, and the other largely ornamental trimwork that a room gets pulled together, these various trims helping to bridge the gap between surfaces and hide untidy or uneven lines.

Though the two seem quite different at first glance, working to put together trim actually shares quite a lot with the art of cabinetmaking. As such, professionals who are trained to put together cabinets tend to excel at trimwork, and many will find lucrative, regular work on these kinds of jobs.

Curious about why they’re such a natural fit? Here’s a look at how cabinetmaking skills transfer over to trimwork.

Cabinetmaking Training Produces Professionals Who are Great With Joints

Nicely made cabinets and trim share an important element: they have joints that fit together well, are stable, and look good. It’s a type of woodworking that demands precision, something which is highly developed in the training done at cabinetmaking school. After all, cabinets nearly always require several joints to put multiple pieces of wood together, meaning any given project is going to entail a fair bit of practice making joints.

The best training programs ensure you get a good deal of this type of practice, foregoing hours upon hours of lectures and instead allowing you to learn your craft through practical exercises. Through working with many kinds of wood and on many different kinds of projects, you can quickly gain the necessary skill for putting together joints on all manner of jobs, be they cabinets, trimwork, or others.

You can get creative with cabinets to help make better use of storage

Cabinetmakers have mastered the joints used in trimwork

Graduates of Cabinetmaking Courses Gain an Eye for Appealing Design

Watch a renovation show where they talk about the kitchen and you’re almost definitely going to hear about how beautiful the cabinets are. That’s because the cabinets you see in homes aren’t just boxes with shelves, but also decorative pieces that speak to the quality of the home and the care that went into making it. Because of this, cabinetmakers quickly gain an appreciation for the visual style of their work, and take care to ensure the products they make look great.

This eye for visual appeal serves trained cabinetmakers well when they apply their skills to trimwork. Trimwork, after all, is meant to enhance the look of a room, not add new problems. This means that, at the least, all the trim needs to be level and free of unintended gaps. For more advanced projects, more intricate designs or arrangements might be in order. With cabinetmaking courses teaching students how to successfully accomplish projects of a variety of levels of complexity and aesthetic appeal, graduates are more than a match for even the most demanding trimwork.

cabinet making training
The industrial revolution changed the cabinet making industry forever

Attractive cabinets, attractive trimwork – cabinetmakers can do it all

Cabinetmaking School Graduates Work With Different Kinds of Materials

Something anyone with a little woodworking experience knows is that every project is going to be different depending on the type of material that is being used. With that in mind, the average carpenter, used to working with beams and two-by-fours of solid wood, is likely going to be pretty limited in their understanding of the finer details of working with fibreboard, composite, and other materials commonly used in trim. Cabinetmakers, though, are well used to working with all of these different materials, meaning they don’t face any surprises when they do trimwork.

Students who complete specialized cabinetmaking training have it best, thanks to their access to professional instructors with years of industry experience. Under their guidance, aspiring cabinetmakers can learn all the tricks of the trade for working with a variety of materials, ensuring they start off on the perfect foot when entering their career. Whatever they work on and with, they will be able to perform their duties with confidence.

Want to become an expert in cabinetmaking and trimwork?

Contact North American Trade Schools to learn about our cabinetmaking training!

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