Home Inspection

Ready to Become a Home Inspector? Here’s How to Inspect Homes Safely During the Pandemic

July 24, 2020

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted virtually every industry, including home inspection. As a result, changes to how home inspectors approach their day-to-day responsibilities are necessary, leading to a re-think in how home inspections are performed.

Between practicing physical distancing and staying two meters apart from others, to limiting the number of people allowed in the home during the inspection, to wearing protective headgear at all times, there are many ways you can get around the circumstances surrounding the pandemic and successfully complete an inspection. Here are some tips for how you can safely inspect homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Make Sure Safety Precautions Are Taken by Those Living in the Home

Before starting any home inspection during the pandemic, it’s of the utmost importance that all parties are kept safe, healthy, and are not vulnerable to possible infection. Among the steps that should be taken include asking those living in the home a series of questions regarding the virus. These include asking whether or not they’ve been exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms within the past two weeks (or if they have previously tested positive), if they’ve been in contact with any suspected or confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, or if they’ve been travelling anywhere in recent weeks. Other steps you can take include emphasizing the importance of physical distancing while the inspection is ongoing, signing inspection contracts online rather than in person, and restricting how many people can be in the home during the inspection.

Those living in the home must notify inspectors if they are exhibiting symptoms
Those living in the home must notify inspectors if they are exhibiting symptoms

During Your Home Inspection Career, Protect Yourself in Times of Crisis

Although it’s incredibly important to make sure people in the home protect themselves during the inspection, anyone wanting to become a home inspector should be certain that they’re maximizing their own protection during a crisis situation such as a pandemic. This includes wearing latex gloves, face masks, protective headgear, and any other clothing that can help shield from infection.

Latex gloves are among the protective equipment home inspectors should wear

Additionally, you would be wise to wash your hands regularly, disinfect and clean surfaces you have touched during the inspection after it has concluded, and keep hand sanitizer with you at all times. Even if you are asymptomatic, you can still carry the virus and transmit it unknowingly to others, so protecting yourself and those in the home from any potential risks is a must. Should you exhibit any symptoms yourself, or be in contact with any suspected or confirmed cases, postpone the inspection and reschedule for when you will be healthy again.

Lastly, Consider Using Videoconferencing Platforms for Inspection-Related Purposes

As much as you may do your best to prepare yourself for circumstances like a pandemic during your home inspection career, there is a likelihood that some clients may not be comfortable with having inspectors in their homes due to fear of contracting the virus and the importance of physical distancing. If you have clients who are reluctant to allow new people into their homes even for an inspection, you can suggest that they not be present in their home for the inspection, and that any follow-up be done via videoconferencing. This can be done on an application such as Zoom, Google Meet, or FaceTime. This way, you can discuss matters related to the inspection and reviews/reports without needing it to be in person, and could be a creative solution given the crisis.

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Home Inspection

5 Reasons a Home Inspection Career Could Be for You

March 11, 2020

become a home inspector

Have you ever found yourself staring at the properties on sale in a real estate agency’s window even though you’re not looking to buy? Do you love troubleshooting problems around your own home? Are you passionate about property in general? If so, then a career in home inspection could be for you!

Home inspectors offer a consulting service to anyone looking to buy a residential or commercial property. They evaluate a home by inspecting its roofing, structure, electrical, heating, air conditioning, exterior, insulation, and interior.

Qualified home inspectors can benefit from competitive salaries and a flexible schedule. Read on to find out whether you should consider becoming a home inspector!

1. There is Steady Demand for Home Inspectors

For as long as people and businesses continue to buy property, there will be demand for home inspectors. A home inspection is always recommended, if not required, before purchasing a property.

There are millions of properties across Canada and real estate transactions are always taking place, meaning that a home inspector is unlikely to ever be out of work! The demand for home inspectors in Canada is predicted to remain steady over the next few years. This makes it a great career for anyone looking for job security.

2. Become a Home Inspector to Earn a Competitive Salary

Home inspectors can earn well above minimum wage, especially as they become more experienced. The average salary for a home inspector in Canada is more than $32 an hour, which equates to around $66,500 a year. This is significantly more than the average salary in the country.

3. Help People with One of the Biggest Investments of their Lives

If you’re a people person and are looking for a rewarding career that involves helping others, a home inspection career might be for you! While it might not be the first job that comes to mind, home inspectors help people with what could be the biggest investment of their lives.

Buying a home is not a small decision.As a home inspector, you are helping others to make the right choice, and your advice could help to save your clients hundreds of thousands of dollars.



home inspection training
As a home inspector, you could help people make the biggest investment of their lives

Because home inspectors need to have strong interpersonal and communication skills in order to work with the public, it’s also a great career for anyone who is good with people. In home inspection training, students will learn communication skills as well as practical knowledge about homes to help equip them for both of these aspects of the job.

4. Enjoy a Flexible Schedule and Start Your Own Business

One of the other great things about being a home inspector is the flexibility that it offers. You can choose to take on work and schedule inspections when it works for you, making it easy to balance around your other commitments. You also have the option to start your own business to give you even more flexibility.

5. Don’t Break Your Back!

A home inspection career is hands-on without being physically demanding. If you’re interested in construction, for example, but not keen on the physical aspect of it, or want something that you can do as you get older, home inspection could be a perfect fit.

Additionally, if you’ve spent a lifetime working in construction or HVAC and are now looking for a new challenge, home inspection could be for you. It will allow you to put your knowledge and practical background to good use.

Do you want to become a home inspector?

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