
Avoid These Common Installation Mistakes After Cabinet Making Courses

October 17, 2023

A cabinet maker assembling a kitchen cabinet after cabinet making training

Cabinet making is a skill and an art. Whether you’ve just finished a professional course or are embarking on a DIY journey, crafting a cabinet with precision and care can be immensely satisfying. However, even after creating a beautiful piece, installation’s another critical step. And this is where many enthusiastic cabinet makers stumble.

Here are some common installation mistakes made that could be avoided by those who completed the cabinet making courses.

Failing to Check Measurements and Levelness

One of the golden rules in woodworking and cabinet installation is “Measure twice, cut once.” It’s easy to get excited and rush through measurements, but even a few millimeters off can spell disaster for your installation. Incorrect measurements can lead to gaps, misalignment, and a cabinet that doesn’t fit or function as intended. As it is one of the fundamentals discussed in the cabinet making training, always double or triple-check your measurements before making any cuts or installations.

A flawlessly crafted cabinet can be ruined by uneven installation. Cabinets that are not level can lead to uneven doors, difficulty opening or closing, or even long-term structural issues. Always use a trusted level system during installation and make necessary adjustments to ensure your cabinets sit perfectly as required.

A cabinet maker taking measurements of a kitchen cabinet after completing cabinet making training
As you learned in cabinet making training, accurate measurements are the key.

Overlooking Wall Studs and Ignoring Spaces or Fillers

Mounting cabinets directly on drywall without anchoring them to studs is a recipe for disaster. Over time, the weight can cause the cabinets to pull away from the wall, leading to damage and potential injury. Always locate and mark the wall studs and ensure that your cabinet screws penetrate these studs for a secure installation.

Beyond this, every room has quirks, and the walls must not be straight. Spacers or fillers are essential to address these irregularities. They help ensure that your cabinet fits perfectly and has a professional finish. Ignoring them can lead to unsightly gaps or cabinets that jet out in odd ways.

Forgetting the Toe Kick as Taught in the Cabinet Making Courses

The toe kick is that recessed space at the bottom of floor cabinets, and it’s not just for aesthetics, as most cabinet making courses emphasize. It provides a comfortable space for your feet as you stand at the counter. It might seem like a minor detail, but omitting a toe kick can make your kitchen or workspace uncomfortable and can detract from the overall finished look.

Using Inadequate Hardware and Neglecting the Finish

It’s not just about the wood. Screws, brackets, and other hardware are crucial in securing your cabinet. Skimping on or using the wrong hardware can lead to wobbly cabinets or, worse, cabinets that fall apart after a short period. Invest in high-quality hardware that’s designed explicitly for cabinetry.

A cabinet maker putting screws in a kitchen cabinet after cabinet making training
As cabinet making courses emphasize, hardware is just as important as wood.

Also, after installing your cabinet, finishing it with sealants or paints that protect the wood and enhance its appearance is essential. This step will make your cabinet look polished and professional and protect against moisture, stains, and everyday wear and tear.

Are you interested in a cabinet making diploma?

Contact NATS for more information.

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