
A Peek at the Outdoor Kitchen for Those Interested in Cabinetmaking Training

January 26, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic caused most of Canada to go into lockdown last year, many families found that they were cooking at home a lot more than usual. With the option of going out to eat at restaurants off the table for the better part of the past year, people were forced to spend a lot more time in their kitchens. It’s a change that has gotten plenty of families to reconsider the space in which they’re cooking. For plenty of folks at home, the pandemic was an opportunity to invest in some new cookbooks or updated kitchen appliances, while others decided it was time for a new kitchen altogether. 

In May of 2020, Google searches for outdoor kitchens almost doubled, as did the search for grills, pizza ovens, and other outdoor cooking necessities. Outdoor kitchens can take many shapes and forms, but the idea is rising in popularity, and it looks like the trend is here to stay. If you’re considering a career in cabinetmaking, now is a great opportunity to learn more about outdoor kitchens and their design.

Those With Cabinet Making Training Should Know What Defines an Outdoor Kitchen

An outdoor kitchen is a functional outdoor space that can serve as a second kitchen in certain homes. While some might call their pizza oven and grill an outdoor kitchen, today, the term can be used to describe a whole range of designs, from simple to luxurious. What an outdoor kitchen looks like might depend on the preferences of the owner. Owners might opt for an island, a grill, an outdoor oven (such as a pizza oven or a wood brick oven), a stovetop, a sink, or even an outdoor bar. Regardless of its design or level of extravagance, there are a few things that should always be taken into consideration when designing an outdoor kitchen. If you have cabinet making training, here’s what you need to know.

Many families are looking to upgrade their options for home cooking

Exposure to the Elements

In any outdoor space, an important consideration is how the weather or climate will affect the appliances and materials used. When choosing the right materials for the cabinets and paneling of an outdoor kitchen, consider how the cabinet will fare with exposure to moisture, sunlight, or cold weather. Some good options for durable materials include stainless steel, teak, and marine grade polymer. All of these materials are relatively weather-proof and easy to maintain, making them great options for an outdoor space. 

Outdoor kitchens will be exposed to the elements, a factor that should be kept in mind


An outdoor kitchen doesn’t have to be huge, as long as it contains all the necessary elements. In a functional outdoor kitchen, cabinets should be designed in order to accommodate a range of storage needs. Outdoor kitchens may need more storage, as it’s less likely that owners will be inclined to leave kitchen appliances and utensils resting on countertops in an outdoor space. After completing your cabinet making program, take storage into consideration when configuring the cabinets in an outdoor kitchen. The more storage space that’s available, the less crowded an outdoor kitchen will look.

A Consistent Aesthetic

As with an indoor kitchen, an outdoor kitchen should be consistent in the style and materials used. The use of matching materials and textures makes the space more visually pleasing. Pairing metallic cabinetry with stonework gives the kitchen a more rustic character, while concrete paired with teak cabinetry gives an outdoor kitchen a modern edge. Whatever materials are chosen, it’s important that they work together in order to make the outdoor kitchen both appealing and useful.

Are you ready to enroll in cabinet making courses?

Check out the North American Trade School’s program options to get started today.

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